I am getting soooo sick of the bun, so I decided to try a braidout for this weekend. I washed my hair with some random shampoo, conditioned with the Generics Conditioning Balm, and blow-dried. I did not blow dry my hair nearly as straight as I do when I'm planning to flat iron, just enough to stretch it. I used Sheamoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Eco Styler Gel on each section before I braided it. I did 10 cornrows and left them in overnight. To get a curl at the bottom I just spray the bottom with water and twirl it around my finger a little. After I removed the cornrows, I did a lot of fluffing to get the look I wanted. I also used some Argan oil for softness and shine. When I wear this style I rebraid every night.


Gorgeous braid out! xx I remember doing these. lol
Lovely! Really love the results
Its looks so pretty. I wish I knew how to do cornrows.
beautiful braidout
Wow!!!!! Gorgeous!!!!!!!
That looks good! I can never get a braid out to go well for me, but this makes me want to try again.
Your hair looks so lush and i'm totally tempted to transition. It's just that i'm really nervous. I'm thinking i would straighten my hair weekly to go through the transition process and get braids inbetween to give my hair a break
Decisions decisions
xoxo Hermine
This style looks very pretty on you!! Is your hair cut at a diagonal? It looks a bit asymmetrical!!
hair .|. finance .|. womanhood
Thanks so much ladies!!!
@ Ming: look up tutorials on it, there has to be some!
@Onjel: give it another try! I have to experiment with different sizes and doing it on wet or dry hair.
@Hermine: Do itttt lol! I was nervous at first too, my first attempt to transition failed. I straightened almost weekly when I transitioned for about 10 months then I got Senegalese twist. So it can work, you just have to be careful with the heat.
@ Kay: Thanks! My hair isn't cut on a diagonal but I do have a lot of layers.There are pictures in post from December of it straight.
That scarf is lovely! Where is it from?
Thanks, H&M
Your braid-out is HOT! I love how full it is. I am going to have to try it for myself.
That turned out great! I'm going to try this in a month or two when my hair gets a little longer
Thanks Keianna, and yea you do!
Thanks Aleatha, you can also pick the roots out to make it look a little fuller and longer.
I would kill to have your hair!
sooo pretty!
Thank you!!!
What are some good moisturizers for natural hair? I need something for the winter.
I love the wavy look. Whenever I tried this it didn't ook as good as yours.
Hey Candycane, I like Sheamoisture curl enhancing smoothie, Cantu Shea butter leave in, and Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1. If you cowash you could just leave in whatever conditioner you use. It also helps to seal with an oil after you moisturize.
Alissa- Thanksss! It took me a while to find a technique to get the results I wanted.
Gorgeous. Your hair is beautiful girl!
ooh i love ur braidout. mine always failed but i notice thats with single braids. i need to try one with cornrows.
Thanks! Yea try cornrows single braids never work for me.
incredible braidout! your hair looks stunning, that's perfect
Thanks Vonnie!
I LOVE how you take full advantage of the styling options with your hair. Now, I've got to learn to cornrow like that! lol
It isnt hard once you learn, I learned when I was younger. And I am trying to, otherwise I will get bored lol.
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